We had so much FUN! This last week, we took a road trip with Evan's baseball team. We traveled through Oregon, Washington, Idaho to Montana. We went to Silverwood Water Park in Coeur d'Alene, we ate at some amazing restaurants along the way. We saw some beautiful countryside. Once we were in Montana, one day we all went to Hauser Lake for a boating team/parent bonding. The weather was great and the baseball was amazing! Evan's team WON the tournament, 5 games later they went undefeated... As we head into Evan's senior year of High School, realizing trips like these will be coming to an end. We are taking every moment to enjoy and cherish this … [Read more...]
Baseball Auction
Vintage Decorations Tablescape Vintage Decorations Baseball Treats Real Grass Saturday, I helped decorate for the Clackamas High School Baseball Auction. This year, the decorating committee decided on a Vintage Baseball Theme. We had such a great time getting ready for this amazing event! I made 300 chocolate dipped baseball Oreos for all the guests and individually wrapped them with adorable "Thank You" tags on each. (check out my Instagram for the picture) This was our fifth (5) year for the CAVS Baseball Auction. Every year is a bit different but every year gets better and better. The Board, Committees + … [Read more...]
Tacoma Experience
We had such a FUN weekend! Friday afternoon Evan had a double header, won one game and lost the second. Bummer... Saturday, we went to the River all day and road our new SeaDoos! (Jason surprised the kids a couple weeks ago) The weather in Portland has been in the triple digits. On Sunday, we went up to Tacoma, Washington to watch a Tacoma Rainiers Baseball game. Jason purchased this amazing Baseball experience through our Clackamas Baseball Auction. We were able to bring twenty (20) friends to the luxury suite, VIP parking, and an on field/dugout time. Evan brought a bunch of his Baseball friends and Ellie brought a few of her girlfriends. … [Read more...]
Baseball In Oregon
Ok, so it's early Spring in Oregon which means rain. Sometimes light rain and sometimes buckets of rain. Well, I'm still warming my toes up from last nights Baseball game. It was a beautiful sunny Spring day until fifteen (15) minutes after the game started. It didn't only rain, it poured, we had a wind storm, it thundered and lightening. Every time it thundered or lightening struck the game would be delayed by a half hour. Ugh! Cold and waiting for the game to start again was painful. Total... the game took 4 hours and 45 minutes. Yes- that's right! Nine (9) Innings later- it went into extra innings due to a tie- sadly we Lost. 10-8 Also, … [Read more...]
Season Opener
Last night was Evan's very first High School baseball game. The weather was beautiful and nothing made me more proud than watching how hard he was playing. He batted four (4) times and got on base every time... Hitting three (3) times and walking once. Evan played first base the first three (3) innings and pitched the next four (4). Ugh! My nerves... Clackamas had a few errors and quickly learned by some mistakes. The other team played real tough. Watch this video below of the winning run... Can you guess who was on third base? OOps! I couldn't add my video... view here- OPENER WINNING RUN! Way to go CAVS! Staying tough until … [Read more...]
Baseball Auction
This past week, I was crazy busy preparing for Clackamas High School's Baseball Auction. I helped with decorations and made 200 chocolate dipped Oreo cookie baseballs. They turn out adorable but were super time consuming. This sit down dinner is an annual event that our Baseball Club Hosts to raise money for field improvements. This year our goal is to raise enough money to build "lights" around our field. (fingers crossed) The last couple years it has been a SOLD OUT event! This year was no exception. We had a fun night and I thought the decorations turned out beautifully... I'm proud to be part of such a amazing group of people. … [Read more...]
Baseball Tryouts
It's almost Baseball Season... Evan has been trying out for a couple weeks now and is still going strong! I am so proud of him! I always get excited for baseball season, to me it means Spring is around the corner. Our family loves watching games on Spring evening with the smell of Hot Dogs and a breeze in the air! More photos to come but today it's this one! GO EVAN!! … [Read more...]