Happy December! I am completely into the Holiday spirit. The outside Christmas lights are hung and the house is finally decorated (except the porch) I did a ton of shopping this last weekend and I’m trying to get everything done by this coming weekend. Both kids will be home from College and I’d love to enjoy the time with them and not being fighting for parking spots at the mall. I’m on a mission to relax and enjoy. I wanted to share some amazing gifts to help your Christmas shopping go a little easier. This Winter Wonderland is the perfect combination of creams, greys and blush. I’d love to get any of these as a gift. I bought the grey … [Read more...]
Snow Day
The SNOW has dumped in Portland! The kids have been out of school for 8 days straight... It has been wonderful having everyone home- we've baked cookies, drank hot chocolate and watched many of movies. The kids have been playing in the snow and relaxing when they are inside. The only thing missing was my Christmas decorations... I took them all down the first week of January. Portland doesn't often see snow like this. If we have snow, it typically melts the next day. This year, it stayed under 32 degrees for over a week. Jason and I also had a chance to play in the snow- Too much FUN! I hope everyone is staying … [Read more...]