I thought it would be fun looking back on last year by answering questions that captured my Year! 20 questions about Looking back on last Year! What was the single best thing that happened this past year? MY MOM BECAME CANCER FREE! What was the single most challenging thing that happened? JASON & I BECAME EMPTY NESTERS. AFTER RAISING KIDS FOR 20 YEARS, OUR TIME CAME WHERE WE NEEDED TO LET THEM FLY. What was an unexpected joy this past year? THAT I STILL LOVE MY HUSBAND, I WAS NERVOUS WITH THE KIDS GONE IF WE’D ENJOY EACH OTHERS COMPANY. What was an unexpected obstacle? GETTING OUR PERMITS FOR OUR RE-BUILD. Pick three … [Read more...]
HELLO 2018
Happy New Year!!! I celebrated the New Year relaxing at home with Jason. We watched movies and watched the ball drop at midnight. I’m just starting to feel like myself again after being hit with the flu over Christmas. So, a relaxing end of the year was heavenly to me. I love making New Years Resolutions. As a child we made family Resolutions and I could hardly wait to read my goals from the prior year. This year is no exception and I can hardly wait to share. So here are few of the goals I have been thinking about for myself and I have also included a few quotes that I think will help me accomplish my goals this year. 1. STAY … [Read more...]