Yesterday, I stopped by New Seasons to check out their garden and flower area. They have a great selection of herbs and flowers. It was a beautiful Spring day... I couldn't believe I had my denim overalls on. I felt like a real farmer. I absolutely love my overalls, they are so comfortable. It was sunny but still cool, so I wore a cardigan to stay warm. Today, is sunny and high is suppose to be 72 degrees. Evan has a "makeup" Baseball game tonight from last week when we had so much rain. (Yeah!) Go Evan!!! Hope you enjoy your sunny day! … [Read more...]
Cherry Pie
I love pies... They remind me of my childhood. My mom is an amazing pie baker. She learned from the best... My Grandmother! I have fond memories of my mom entertaining and hosting dinner parties, she made special desserts and the most common was a pie. When I saw this Cherry Pie table at New Seasons, my heart filled with love and I had a smile on my face. I've also included this great Cherry Pie recipe and my favorite "happy" baking spoon. Do something nice for someone... Bake a Cherry Pie! … [Read more...]