Party Bags {JohnstonStyle} Thank You Tags {KissMeKateStudio}

Cake + Cake Topper {KissMeKateStudio}

Sign {KissMeKateStudio} Tattoos {DayDreamSociety} Hairbands {PlumPolkaDot}
This Swan Ballerina Party is so sweet and feminine. I am beyond honored to be part of this gorgeous event. The group of party people that were involved are amazing and I’ve listed them ALL below. My friend Tina from Kiss Me Kate Studio had a vision that became this reality. Tina and I have been Insta-Friends for years and we are both part of a party tribe called Black Twine. Black Twine is a website that gives you all the resources + photos of HOW-TO create a party. Black Twine is a modern entertaining platform provides visually inspiring party content, planning tools and commerce through a premium community of party professionals. Tina is part of their STYLIST Circle, where I’m part of Black Twine’s VENDOR Circle. Tina’s Daughter Kate has been a dancer since she was little and they saw the movie Swan Lake. Since then, Tina had a vision of a ballet, swan + pink in her head. Her vision was “on-point” to check out details of HOW-TO create this exact party head on over to Black Twine and search “SWEET SWAN PARTY”. Tina has also has an online Etsy shop and is a designer of party decor and custom invites.
Styling + Design, Graphic Design + Desserts: @kissmekatestudio
Party BluePrints: @blacktwine
Photography: @littlewishesbyemilyhajec
Plannings: @northstateevents
Linens: @wedodesigns
Floral Design: www.flowersbyrachelle.net
Die-Dipped Tassel Garland: @onestylishparty
Plates + Tattoos: @daydream.society
Cups, Straws, Wooden Utensils + Glitter Star Tape: @ohhappydaypartyshop
Napkins: @sugarandclothshop
Swan Hair Ties: @plumpolkadot
Gold Glitter Star Garland: @merimeriparty
Treat Bags: @johnstonstyle